Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Winter woes

This winter was particularly brutal not so much snow but the bitter cold and the amount of ice build up. There was flooding in the Flour Mill and Notre Dame was closed for a bit.

Most of the snow has melted away :) To pass the cold days and nights, I've been dabbling in photography lately, Sharon's been busy with yoga.

The upcoming long weekend will be our first opening of the cottage and I hope that winter hasn't been too hard on it. We've been giving serious thought to relocating south, closer to the cottage and better business opportunities. I'm hoping this will be our last year in Sudbury - crappy roads, cold weather, limited employment opportunities and a whole lot of rocks. We'd also be closer to Ashley and Jordan. Ashley graduated and is now working in Human Resources for a Toronto area firm. Jordan is now self-employed as a home renovator.